Compassion, Support, and Understanding for Women and Mothers

The Importance of a GOOD friend.

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Woman thrive much more in life when they have a good friend or group of friends. I personally have 3-4 close friends and one very best friend. I can’t imagine my life without her in it! She has literally saved me in so many ways and trust me, our friendship has gone through the trenches but we came out the other side because our love and loyalty to each other is stronger and more important than any problem we’ve ever faced. You don’t find that in just anyone.

Sometimes I feel like people forget the importance of having a good friend.
I mean a really good friend. A soul mate in the platonic sense. A sister. Someone who just gets it, who gets you! They accept all your flaws, and who remind you of all your charms and celebrate the little things that make you who you are. They listen to your problems for the 20th time as if it were the first time and who loves you through all the sticky, messy parts of this thing called life.

They hear you without judging what you have to say or how you’re feeling. They are good for your soul. They lead you down the right path and correct you when you need to be corrected. A bond no one and no thing can break or even put a crack in.

It is a very underrated blessing to have such a friend. If you don’t have a friend that fits this description, I highly suggest you take a look at who you’re surrounding yourself with.

Ask yourself :
Do they lift me up?

Do they encourage me to be my best self?

Do they love me even when it’s inconvenient for them?

Take a moment and think about it. If you do, send a thank you to the Guy upstairs and if not, maybe send up a request for one and a thanks in advance.

Who you surround yourself with and give your energy to matters so much and is detrimental to your wellbeing. You cannot pour from an empty cup. 

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