Compassion, Support, and Understanding for Women and Mothers

Just A Mom…

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Just a mom. A phrase used way to often.

Moms are so many things! Moms are the portals between Heaven and Earth. Protectors, nurturers, teachers, providers, nurses, chauffeurs, maids, secret keepers and so much more.
There are no sick days, time off, lunch or bathroom breaks. We do the darn thing 24/7 no matter what all while trying to juggle all of the other responsibilities we have and maintain ourselves.

I want you to hear me when I say:

You are necessary! Your child needs you more than any other. Their bond with you is detrimental to their mental health. You matter.
So no, you’re not “just” a mom.

Being a mom is a lot but it’s worth every hard day, late night and every stressor in between because to our kids, we are everything! THAT makes it worth it.

Next time someone asks what you do or who you are, hold your head high and tell them: “I am a Mom”.

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