Compassion, Support, and Understanding for Women and Mothers

Contrast makes the world go ’round.

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All around the world we see a million things that are all considered beautiful, and yet they look nothing alike. From wildflowers dancing in the breeze to sunsets bringing pink, purple and orange colors to our sky. We see Animals of all sorts from your typical dog or house cat to wild animals like kangaroos, gazelles, snow leopards and dolphins. All of these animals are seen as beautiful, and we accept them for all that they are though none of them are even remotely similar. We see cars of different makes and models such as corvettes, Subarus, Toyotas, Lamborghinis and Tundra’s. The houses come in modern day family homes, Manchens, cottages and farmhouses yet even if it’s not our preferred car or house we normally can appreciate it for what it is and find some bit of beauty in each one.

My question is if our world is chalk full of things that look nothing alike but yet were able to appreciate everything for what it is then why can’t we understand that we were not made to look like every other woman we see? Our features and body shape are beautiful even if we don’t look like the woman in the car next to us, the girl on the treadmill at the gym or that woman on Instagram we try to imitate. whether it be your eyes, nose, ears, fingernails, body shape or whatever else you may be comparing, please hear me when I say you are beautiful in your own unique and wonderful way! If you saw a Lilly and a Sunflower growing next to each other you wouldn’t point out that one has more petals or how one is taller than the other or has a thicker stem. You would simply appreciate their individual beauty and accept them for exactly how they are. Our uniqueness is necessary for giving the world contrast! How boring would it be if we all looked the same?? A thinner physique is not more beautiful than that of one with curves and a wider jaw line isn’t better than a narrow one. Can we as woman please stop comparing our differences as negative and realize that they are actually positives? Can we realize that God did not make a mistake when He chose our stature or facial feature or hair type? If He wanted us to all look the same, then we indeed would. He wanted contrast, individuality to create one beautiful picture. He did not make a mistake when He made you just like He didn’t make a mistake when He created the ocean and the sand and the Mountains and the trees or the stars in the sky that all hold beauty in their own amazing way. We may not be everyone’s first choice and that’s okay!! You and I also have preferences. You may prefer a cabin in the woods to a Penthouse in Miami, but that doesn’t mean that the other is wrong or not just as lovely.

Psalms 139:13-14 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, i know that full well.”

Song of Solomon 4:7 “You are altogether beautiful, my love. There is no flaw in you.”

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One response to “Contrast makes the world go ’round.”

  1. Gizeal Avatar

    This is amazing, it’s true we’re not all made to look like one another. We’re all beautiful in our own ways! I love how your blogs are so relatable! Keep writing <3

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