Compassion, Support, and Understanding for Women and Mothers

Don’t Be Like Peter.

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In Matthew 14:22 we read about the story of Peter and the other disciples going out on the boat right after Jesus fed the 5,000. In this teaching we know that when the storm starts to rage all of the disciples are scared as is understandable, their fear got the best of them. Then in the midst of the storm Jesus appears and starts to walk out to their boat but they were afraid because they thought it was a ghost and Jesus called out “Take Courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Peter then replies and says “Lord, if it’s you tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come.” replied Jesus.

Peter got down off of the boat, walked on water and went towards Jesus. But when Peter saw the wind, he was afraid, and he began to Sink.

Right here we see that Peter sank, not because Jesus wasn’t there with him but because he took his eyes off of Jesus and began to doubt.

How often do we take our eyes off of the Lord and begin having anxiety or start worrying about a situation? I know in my life the only times I’ve been afraid of an outcome, lost my identity or feared for my future was when I took my eyes off of God and focused them on the problem instead. When Peter began to sink Jesus reached out His hands and said “You of little faith, why did you doubt?” and Jesus climbed into the boat and the winds died down and the disciples in the boat started to worship Him saying “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Remember that right before they got on the boat Jesus had just fed the 5,000! They had all the proof anyone could possibly need to know that Jesus was who He said He was. Yet Peter still doubted in his time of trouble.

So next time you are out of the boat and walking through the storm, don’t focus on the wind or the waves. Fix your eyes on Jesus who is right in front of you reaching out His hands.

He has no intention of letting you drown. He loves and cares for you.

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2 responses to “Don’t Be Like Peter.”

  1. Gizeal Avatar

    I love this! Very inspiring:)

    1. Lydia Avatar

      Thank you so much for your comment! I’m glad you found it to be helpful!

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